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13 May 2017

Ibrahim Bro enekse is a Turkish agent against the Kurdish people because we urge the western world never to listen to this countries traitor.

Ibrahim Bro enekse is a Turkish agent against the Kurdish people because we urge the western world never to listen to this countries traitor.
enekse with Barzani killed Yazidi in Shengal and Sanjar.
What's the enekse? And who organized the enekse?
Enekse is a Turkish agent and organized by Masoud Barzani with the help of Turkish intelligence service against the Kurdish people
This group is not Kurd They are jash and work with Kurdish enemies against the Kurdish people. Enekse is responsible for gathering information about Kurdish movement and then relinquishing to Turkish intelligence service. You can say Enekse is a Turkish informant.
Enekse is a group working for money and selling people enekse also works as human smugglers also provide false passports for people and then sends to European countries
When upset Syrian people against bash al Assad Barzani using the Turkish intelligence service tried to send this group to Northern Syria to control the area.
When the Kurdish people knew that Enekse works for Turkish intelligence service against the people when the Kurdish people of northern Syria decided to throw out Enekse from the Kurdish region of northern Syria.
Right now this sick group, called Enekse, has no place in between Kurdish people in northern Syria because Enekse sold itself to Turkish intelligence and collaborates with Kurdish enemies against the Kurdish people.
When Barzani with Turkish intelligence tried to send his rented people Enekse to Syria to control the Kurdish area when they both failed because the Kurdish people immediately knew what they wanted to do when the Kurdish people from Northern Syria said no to those who sold themselves to Kurdish Biggest enemy

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